Here to Help You!

What are the keyboard shortcuts?

  • Shift+h: This help page.

If you are in a project, you have the following shortcuts:

  • Shift+u: Project updates.
  • Shift+d: Downloads.
  • Shift+o: Documentation.
  • Shift+a: Create a new issue.
  • Shift+i: List of open issues.
  • Shift+m: The issues you submitted.
  • Shift+w: The issues assigned to you.
  • Shift+s: Source.

You also have the standard access keys:

  • Alt+1: Home.
  • Alt+2: Skip the menus.
  • Alt+4: Search (when available).

How to mark an issue as duplicate?

This is simple:

  1. Write in the comments "This is a duplicate of issue 123" or - if you are a member of the crew - directly add the "duplicates" relation with the value "123" below the comment field. Change "123" with the corresponding issue number.
  2. Change the status of the current issue to Duplicate.
  3. Submit the changes.

How can I display my head next to my comments?

You need to create an account on Gravatar, this takes about 5 minutes and is free.

How can I embed images and other resources in my documentation pages?

To embed any previously uploaded resource into your wiki page, you can use the [[!ResourceName]] syntax.

The rendering of the resource can then be further fine-tuned:

  • [[!ImageResource, align=right, width=200]] renders "ImageResource" right-aligned and scale its width to 200
  • [[!TextResource, align=center, width=300, height=300]] renders "TextResource" in a centered, 300 by 300 px iframe
  • [[!AnyResource, preview=no]] does not render a preview of the resource, but only provides a download link (default for binary resources)
  • [[!BinaryResource, title=Download]] renders the download link of "BinaryResource" with an alternative title

Resources are versioned, just like wiki pages. If you update a resource, old wiki pages still show the state of the resource at the time when the wiki page was edited. If you specifically want to update a resource on a page, you therefor need to update the resource at first and then also the page where it is referenced, otherwise the change won't be visible until the next regular edit.

What is this "Upload Archive" functionality about?

If you have to publish many files at once for a new release, it is a very tedious task to upload them one after another and enter meta information like a summary, a description or additional labels for each of them.

InDefero therefore supports a special archive format that is basically a standard zip file which comes with some meta information. These meta information are kept in a special manifest file, which is distinctly kept from the rest of the files in the archive that should be published.

Once this archive has been uploaded, InDefero reads in the meta information, unpacks the other files from the archive and creates new individual downloads for each of them.

Learn more about the archive format.

What is the API and how is it used?

The API (Application Programming Interface) is used to interact with InDefero with another program. For example, this can be used to create a desktop program to submit new tickets easily.

Learn more about the API.

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