{extends "idf/gadmin/projects/base.html"} {block body} {if $form.errors}

{trans 'The form contains some errors. Please correct them to delete the project.'}

{if $form.get_top_errors} {$form.render_top_errors|unsafe} {/if}
{/if} {trans 'Project Statistics'}
{trans 'Tab'}{trans 'Number'}
{trans 'Downloads'}{$stats['downloads']}
{trans 'Code reviews'}{$stats['reviews']}
{trans 'Commits'}{$stats['commits']}
{trans 'Issues'}{$stats['issues']}
{trans 'Documentation pages'}{$stats['docpages']}

{trans 'Delete Project'}

  {blocktrans}Confirmation code to confirm the deletion of the project: {$code}.{/blocktrans}

{$form.f.code.labelTag}: {if $form.f.code.errors}{$form.f.code.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.code|unsafe}
  {if $form.f.agree.errors}{$form.f.agree.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.agree|unsafe} {$form.f.agree.labelTag}
  | {trans 'Cancel'}{if $stats['total'] > 200}
{trans 'For large projects, the suppression can take a while, please be patient.'}{/if}
{/block} {block context}

{blocktrans} Attention! Deleting a project is a one second operation with the consequences that all the data related to the project will be deleted. {/blocktrans}
