{extends "idf/gadmin/forge/base.html"} {block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inIndex=true}{/block} {block body}
{$form.f.enabled|unsafe} {$form.f.enabled.labelTag} {if $form.f.enabled.errors}{$form.f.enabled.fieldErrors}{/if}
{if $form.f.content.errors}{$form.f.content.fieldErrors}{/if} {$form.f.content|unsafe}
{/block} {block context} {assign $eurl = 'http://michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/'} {assign $burl = 'http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax'}


You can set up a custom forge page that is used as entry page for the forge instead of the plain project listing. This page is then also accessible via the 'Home' link in main menu bar.

The content of the page can use the Markdown syntax with the Extra extension.

Additionally, the following macros are available:
