{extends "idf/admin/base.html"} {block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inSource = true}{/block} {block body} {if $form.errors}
{/if} {/block} {block context}{blocktrans}You can find here the current repository configuration of your project.{/blocktrans}
The webhook URL setting specifies an URL to which a HTTP {$hook_request_method} request is sent after each repository commit. If this field is empty, notifications are disabled.
Only properly-escaped HTTP URLs are supported, for example:
In addition, the URL may contain the following "%" notation, which will be replaced with specific project values for each commit:
- project name%r
- revision numberFor example, committing revision 123 to project 'my-project' with
post-commit URL http://mydomain.com/%p/%r
would send a request to