{extends "idf/wiki/base.html"} {block extraheader} {if !$rev.is_head}{/if} {/block} {block docclass}yui-t3{assign $inPageView=true}{/block} {block body} {if $deprecated}{* deprecated page *}

{blocktrans}Attention! This page is marked as deprecated, use it as reference only if you are sure you need these specific information.{/blocktrans}

{/if} {if !$rev.is_head} {ashowuser 'submitter', $rev.get_submitter(), $request}{aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::viewPage', array($project.shortname, $page.title)}

{blocktrans}You are looking at an old revision of the page {$page.title}. This revision was created by {$submitter}.{/blocktrans}

{trans 'Table of Content'}


{markdown $rev.content, $request} {if !$rev.is_head and ($isOwner or $isAdmin)} {aurl 'url', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::deletePageRev', array($project.shortname, $rev.id)}

{trans 'Trash'} {trans 'Delete this revision'}

{/block} {block context} {ashowuser 'submitter', $page.get_submitter(), $request}

{trans 'Created:'} {$page.creation_dtime|dateago}
{blocktrans}by {$submitter}{/blocktrans}

{if $rev.creation_dtime != $page.creation_dtime}

{ashowuser 'submitter', $rev.get_submitter(), $request} {trans 'Updated:'} {$rev.creation_dtime|dateago}
{blocktrans}by {$submitter}{/blocktrans}

{/if} {if $tags.count()}

{trans 'Labels:'}
{foreach $tags as $tag} {$tag.class}:{$tag.name}

{/if} {if $revs.count() > 0}

{trans 'Old Revisions'}

{/if} {/block}