Here is a list of bitmaps available for item boxes: MiniSamus The small samus in a standing position 11x21 MorpSamus Morph ball of Samus 7x7 MinArrowU Arrow pointing up 7x8 MinArrowD Arrow pointing down 7x8 MinArrowL Arrow pointing left 8x7 MinArrowT Arrow pointing right 8x7 Also, the words seen in the game, like select and press, are bitmaps. The following words are available for use in the Draw funtion: PButton, PIt, PThe, PWith, PSet, PAnd, PPress, PSelect Note: PAnd is actually a & Here is a list of functions for the drawing: Text("Text", xposition, yposition, r, g, b) Text used for descriptions. Never used in original SM, SMTC only! Draw("Bitmap", xposition, yposition) Draws the bitmap at the given position. The bitmap can be any of the presets listed above, or it can be any custom made sprite, or any universal sprite object. Control("Name", xposition, yposition) When instructing the user on what button to press, use this. In the original Super Metroid, this was limited to X, Y, A, and B. In SMTC, this can be any key on the keyboard and some joypad keys. The following names can be applied MakeSmall() Makes the item box smaller (150x24). The box is large by default. Coordinates are still relative to the top left of a large box, though. The new top left of the box will be located at (24, 8). AngD, AngU, Jump, Shoot, Run, ISwitch, Left, Right, Up, Down Debug1, Debug2, Debug3, AntiGrav, ReGrav, PixRight, PixLeft These are the same as the config names. All x and y coordinates are relative to the top of the box shown for items. Any x value exceeding 208 or y value exceeding 48 will be invisible. To create a function for an item, enter its name and then all the drawing functions. When you are done, enter ENDname. Example: BOMB Draw(MiniSamus, 32, 5) ENDBOMB A list of all names supported as of this release: SPAZERBEAM PLASMABEAM CHARGEBEAM ICEBEAM BURNBEAM WAVEBEAM BURNBEAM VARIASUIT GRAVITYSUIT CORROSIONSUIT MORPHBALL BOMB SPRINGBALL SPEEDBOOSTER HIGHJUMPBOOTS SPACEJUMP SCREWATTACK MISSILE SUPERMISSILE POWERBOMB ENERGYTANK RESERVETANK GRAPPLINGBEAM XAYSCOPE SAVECOMPLETE SHIPRESTORE ENERGYRESTORE MAPPINGCOMPLETE MISSILERESTORE Because there is no Corrosion Suit item as of yet, you will not be required to make one just yet.