//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Super Metroid Classic Readme File // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: SaltyJustice Email: Saltyjustice@hotmail.com Homepage: www.supermetroidclassic.com I hope I drilled my name into your head! #include This program is run at your own risk. I am not responsible for any effects, adverse or otherwise, that this program has on you, your dog, or anything else around you. Table of Contents 1 FAQ 2 Game Keys 3 Command Prompt Commands 4 Wrap Up and Thanks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 1: FAQ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New version note: Most of this new stuff is in the changelog! Q: So what exactly is Super Metroid Classic? A: SMTC is a C++ project I've been working on for a year now. It's presently in the beta stages, but will eventually include a full-fledged level editor, enemy/boss script maker, block editors, and much more. Thge idea is to recreate Super Metroid from the SNES, released in 1994(Nintendo), on the PC. Q: Are there any copyright problems with Nintendo? A: As far as I know, Nintendo knows nothing about SMTC. I am reusing the sprites from Super Metroid, with some originals tossed in for good measure. The code is pure 100% original, the only actual conflict would be about the sprites, and only the sprites. Uh, hopefully. Q: Okay, what's your website then? A: Ha HA! Since the last update I got me a fancy new website. Okay so there's precious little content, but you can find the address at the top of this readme. Q: Uhm, what about supporting you? A: Really!? If you want to help out, I'm flattered. Presently I'm the only one working on this project, I do all the sprite work myself, and all the music too. If anyone wants to help at all(plug) mail me! I don't CARE what you can do(levels, sprites, whatever) it's all good. Q: What beta is SMTC in? A: If 1.0 was the first fully playable one, this beta is in about 0.99 I know a lot seems done, but a little more needs to be done! Wait, .99? That means it's right next to release? Yeah, sort of. Q: What new stuff can we look for in SMTC? A: Lots of new stuff. I plan to add a new type of suit "Corrosion" which feels no effects from acid, a "Burn" Beam which does not combine with the Plasma beam and can kill some strong enemies ex: rippers. Also, a few new items concerning the morph ball stuff (can you say speed booster ball?) and a revised space jumping system similar to the one in Metroid Fusion. Oh yeah, an entirely new map and mission, including snow and sand areas. If you aren't drooling yet, remember it's fully cutomisable, meaning make your own levels, and even some customizable items, like suit colors. Update: All items ideas can be found on the message boards of the SMTC website Go to forums on the side bar, then go to Suggestions -> Official Ideas Thread Q: Anything else? A: No. Not yet anyway. What kind of question is that!? That's like asking, "Are there any unforseen setbacks?" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Game Keys //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Metroid Classic Standard Keys These are ordinary gameplay keys All keys can be rebound from the options screen. You can change them in the SMTC.cfg file in the SMTC folder. The keys are listed, followed by the character representing them. F2 - Take screenshot Note: Please do not press the other F keys, they're debugging and may crash the game. F12 is a bail out key to press if something freezes. Q: Angle Down W: Angle Up Z: Jump X: Shoot A: Run Note: A can also activate X Ray Scope if selected Shift: Switch items(missiles -> super missles, etc) Arrow Keys Left and Right: Run Arrow Keys Up and Down: Crouch -> Morph Ball, Aiming Tab: Open the console On the subscreen: W to see the Samus Items list Space to activate/deactivate items Q to see the map T to return to the main game Metroid Classic Bug Testing Keys For these keys, press once to activate, again to deactivate C: Draws the clipping for the level in purple and green. D: Draws a bunch of debugging stuff to the screen. E: Draws clipping boxes on Samus and the Enemies. U: * Deactivates gravity/moves Samus up a pixel I: Reactivates gravity O: Moves Samus one pixel to the left P: Moves Samus one pixel to the right * Jump and press U at the same time to go shooting up until letting go. You will then hover there until gravity is reactivated (helpful in some areas, especially if you can't wall jump :D) What keys to use in SMTC.cfg The following keys may be used in SMTC.cfg to assign to the various functions. [Function] [Key] Where [Function] is one of the following: AngD = Angle Down AngU = Angle Up Jump Shoot Run ISwitch = Switch Items (Missiles, Super Missiles, etc.) Left Right Down Up Debug1 = Draw Clipping Debug2 = Draw Debugging Vars Debug3 = Draw Bounding Boxes AntiGrav = Disable Gravity ReGrav = Reenable Gravity PixRight = Move 1 pixel to the right PixLeft = Move 1 pixel to the left Console = Show the archive console And [Key] is one of the following A-Z a-z 0-9 NUM0 - NUM9 = Numberpad 0-9 LShift, RShift, LCtrl, RCtrl, Alt, Tab LeftAr, RightAr, DownAr, UpAr = Arrow keys Also, as of this new release, joystick support allows you to bind keys to: JyAxisU, JyAxisD, JyAxisL, JyAxisR, and JyBut0 - JyBut12 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command Prompt Commands // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enter these on the SMTC command line to modify your SMTC experience. -room "roomname" Runs SMTC in the specified room. DO NOT add a .lev. ex: SMTC.exe -room "brinb1" -windowed Runs SMTC in a window -tiny Runs in 320x240 resolution -connect [ip] Connects to a SMTCNetPlay server at that IP. -name [Name] Sets your name in the console -mode Timeattack Plays a timeattack game -joypad Uses SMTC Joypad.cfg instead of SMTC.cfg -x Place Samus at this X position when starting -y Place Samus at this Y position when starting -new Run the intro script at game start //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wrap Up and Thanks // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This concludes the SMTC readme! I want to thank my friend Crimson Justice for helping out with the editor and some code and thank my Dog for constant moral support. Additionally, anyone on the SMTC team, and that means anyone. I forget all their names :/