//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Super Metroid Classic Changlog // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: SaltyJustice Email: Saltyjustice@hotmail.com Homepage: www.supermetroidclassic.com I hope I drilled my name into your head! #include This program is run at your own risk. I am not responsible for any effects, adverse or otherwise, that this program has on you, your dog, or anything else around you. Table of Contents As of current release Fixed a sound error: All sounds should now play without cut off. More scripting functions and accessability. Intro closer to complete. As of v.99t Teaser version, because I'm a jerk. Anyway, down to businesses. ESC now is the same as pressing enter at the subscreen. Fixed the bug where Samus vanishes if you press left right and down. Bombs no longer leave trails. Bombs explode at the proper time (double the previous time). Bomb explosion radius fixed for destroying breakable blocks. Samus no longer is pushed upward when her feet are covered in clip zones. SMTC no longer randomly crashes (fixed time attack bug). Shootable blocks now run on a preset timer. SMTCLevEdit allows mods to this. Charge Sprite fixed on several Samus frames. Samus no longer lands crouched after jumping then crouching in the air. The charge beam no longer appears charged if you spin jump, fall, or turn around. Space Jump now tracks Samus' suit colours. Charge Beam now appears correct and does appropriate damage Torizo has some more animations and moves more realistically Improved diagonal clipping code, so doors open more accurately Door transitions added after a hiatus. Missile doors now work, as do super missile doors. Changed script files from .scp to .ssf Scripts can be used to remask the tile colours in a room. Game no longer crashes when you screw attack an enemy. Foreground/Background added to tiles modes! All sorts of breakable types work, like crumble, screw attack, speed boost, etc. Rooms are stored non-linearly, and can be named anything in the editor. Console allows several special addons. Press TAB to open the console. SMTC.cfg can be used to remap keys, even to the joypad! Expect a joypad program soon to help the config process. Super missiles shake the screen when they explode. Xrayscope works as intended, even moving samus' head with it. Can't fire negative missiles/super missiles/power bombs anymore Script executes when collecting items. Some already made include missile and bombs! Music now supported, that means ALL of the original spc files. Save capsules and savefiles are back! SMTC auto-detects a room that has a save capsule and if you spawn in it, the save animation plays. Program runs more efficiently Backgrounds are now far more advanced than before. Scripts can be used to place backgrounds in a room. Enemies have been removed until the editor supports them. Samus runs more "naturally", closer to the original's running. Speed booster max speed increased from 9 to 11, closer to original. Downward slopes now allow you to slide when you jump into them. Older Updates As of v.99 HAHA! The update number went up by .05. Despite this, it's a major update. I have no idea what I'm doing. You can use all the beams except the charge effects (charge works on regular beam, but none of the other ones). Charge is also really glitchy. Bombs now can destroy blocks. The beam clipping has been greatly enhanced, and it leaves burn trails when used with the burn beam. You can activate and deactive both the burn beam and the corrosion suit. The background is fixed as the Crateria background, and there are no options in the editor for background. Most of the enemies work, and can be placed in the editor. Xrayscope has been improved. A lot of minor physics changes, as usual. Bombs are less buggy. Water, acid, and lava can be used in the editor. Water physics are done, and As of v.94 Well, despite the fact that the update number has increased by .04, it's still an update right. Here's what's done today. Lots of beams are now usable. Their clipping is still bad (for the most part. They will still correctly hit enemies) and they always fire from outside your gun. Next version will fix it, I promise. The following beams are working: Regular Wave Spazer Plasma Wave + Plasma Wave + Spazer Wave + Plasma + Ice Wave + Spazer + Ice Yes, the little ice particles that follow behind the beams work too. I added some particle snow into Crat1 (the area with your ship). It's not perfect, but it's fun to watch. The snow moves along sin() waves and deletes when it touches the ground. There's also a huge number of physics improvements. So many that I can't even remember them all. I decided to clean up a lot of the older bugs this time. The enemies are mostly still removed. I haven't fixed them up much. You will, however, notice that the plantae creatures can shoot spikes now! Also, the geemer in the chozo room will still explode when you shoot it. Particles are also better clipped now. Spike_Shooters are added. They generate spikes at specific intervals and fire them. CJ's editor does not support them though. Too bad. There's a lot more improvements to the editor's code. There are now 2600 tiles available, and the game can use up to 200 custom tiles, more whenever we put them in. The X Ray Scope works! Select it, then press and hold run, then press left and right until it activates. Sorry, but that's how it works right now, it's still buggy. If I think of anything else I'll post it in the forums. As of v.9 Lots more garbage. GEEMERS! That's right, Geemers are pretty well coded, though not quite 100% yet. If you go to Brin4.lev you can see a Geemer that's hard coded into the engine, look at him dance. Aww. Shoot him to make him shatter. Press F6 to make particles fly off of Samus. They're not fully clipped though. Bug fixes too numerous to mention. Elevators work, try them out. Enemies have been re-added as well. This version supports breakables and custom clippings. Doors that do not reference an existing room will not open, to prevent crashing. Tile rotation is also supported. You start with the Gravity suit active, turn it off to sample the beta water physics. They're not close to complete however. A loading bar now appears when you start the program, though only a slow computer will be able to see all of it. The opening is now shown, it fades in and out, but it's only a work in progress and is not even close to the end result. SMTC is also packaged with Mousse420's crateria levels (use the elevator to get to them). Brin1 also features some of the objects, see those little head blocks? Finally, I improved diagonal beam clipping code. It's not 100% yet, but it's a lot better than before. As of v0.87 Today we give you a lot of new code refinements. You likely won't notice half of them though, unless you're on a slow computer. Specifically, I increased the draw speed by colour masking everything. I've finished a lot of enemies but they have been temporarily removed from this version, because they're not properly clipped and could crash the program. So tough. Speed booster physics and drawing have been included, hurrah. They're not perfect, or even accurate, which is annoying. No biggy. The primary purpose of this update is to allow the editor something to test with. Go download Crimson's editor! It works and you can edit lotsa stuff. See editor readme for details. PATCH v0.851 Patch includes Bigmap.smm (map file for subscreen) and new Executable (MTC.exe) These should stop any crashes. Sorry. As of v0.85 New Stuff: Well this time, I want you to listen VERY CAREFULLY. THE EDITOR (SMTCLevEdit) DOESN'T WORK. That's right, both editors don't work. You can look at Crimson's GUI editor, which doesn't *do* anything, but looks very sharp. However, for now anyway, you can't edit. Sorry. Okay here's some new features: Four new enemies have been added, bony fish, fire orbs, skrees, and rippers. You can't shoot them yet. Too bad. Hahaha. Minor physics updates, you can view the map screen, and the download is now smaller than ever. You can save with F1. In the command line, enter -save "place" That determines what file it saves to. You can load by selecting LOAD on the start menu. As of v0.8 New Stuff: I fixed a lot of the sound effects, now spin jumping sounds correct. More blocks are available but still not all the blocks you'd need to remake the old ruined brain areas. New clipping types are also available. Water is now editable in SMTCLevEdit, and you can dynamically resize the room. Also, room sizes are now available up to 16x13 room sizes! Bear in mind that none of the original levels ever had gigantic dimensions like this, these are merely the largest X by the largest Y in the entire game. When editing levels, please bear that in mind and try not to overuse the space. Of course, the only limit is computer memory! I changed around a lot of minor things: Wall jumping is now the same as in the original, purely by coincidence actually. I seem to have recreated a lot of physics functions from the game word for word without even knowing it. Some minor movement aspects have been changed, including using the morph ball in midair, landing while aiming down, and landing the morph ball from a height greater than or equal to that of 3 blocks (you bounce, whoopadedoo). In addition, I have decided to add in missile trails this version out of the goodness of my heart, and soft ground effects too. Basically, soft ground effects are identical to those of regular ground, except you will see a small splash whenever you step on it. Soft ground is an intrinsic property of the room and can be changed by editor or script, but not by Samus. It's also uniform throughout the room, unless you are underwater in which case it doesn't occur at all. As of v0.75 New Stuff: Sounds! All right! Yeah I added sounds to the mix, and a pile of new blocks for the old ruined brain area. SMTCLevEdit is also updated to use these blocks. Elevators are still glitched and cannot be edited, as is water. I bashed the file size down some more too! It went up due to sound though. As of v0.7 New Stuff: WATER! Yes I got around to doing the water transparencies. More water coding will be included with later versions of the editor. The water is HARD CODED, so all rooms are under water. Haha! Nothing you can do about it either! Slope Clipping is now fixed, and operational as far as the original Super Metroid worked. You may notice bugs when approaching slopes from behind: Those will be ironed out "whenever I feel like it" I worked out some minor bugs and efficiency checks, so it runs about 2 frames faster (Go me) I removed the Mp3 for now, so it will download faster. If I figure out how to do OGG files then I'll include those, but for now, the Mp3 is GONE. The rooms have been edited by my associate Crimson Justice, and they look far sharper. There's a morph ball maze, an infinitly looping room, and still a long shaft for wall jumping. Wall jump to reach the top or some super missiles. As of v0.6 New Stuff: Wall Jumping now supported. It can be tricky, but it's easier than the original game's wall jumping. It's still glitchy. Slope code added. Press C to see where the slopes are in your level. It's glitchy too. Elevator code tuned up. It's hard coded, meaning that you can't use the editor on it yet. Be careful when editing levels. The levels now move in a sort of circle. You go up the elevator and arrive back in Brinstar. Of course you could just edit it... Mp3 files are now supported (thank god) which means that, when you play SMTC, you will hear the theme to Tallon Overworld (from Metroid Prime). You can find the Mp3 in the Music folder in your SMTC directory. Rendering modes are now available. On the data load screen, select OPTIONS. You'll see a list of the rendering modes. 2xSaI and SuperEagle are slightly different, and Normal is the regular blocky looking mode. SMTC now runs in 640x480, but with a 320x240 buffer. Actually, the program does NOT slow down at ALL unless you are running with 2xSaI or SuperEagle modes. These chew up a lot of processing time and will slow the game down. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////