#include <pstreams.h> class outstm: iobase { void putf(const char* fmt, ...); void put(char); void put(string); void puteol(); void putline(string); int write(const char* buf, int count); void flush(); bool get/set_flusheol(bool); }
This class implements the basic functionality of output streams. Outstm is derived from iobase and inherits all its public methods and properties.
End-of-line sequences are not translated when you send data through the output methods. To write an end-of-line sequence appropriate to the given operating environment use puteol() instead.
void outstm::putf(const char* fmt, ...) is a printf-style output method. PTypes supports a subset of format specifiers common to all platforms: <blank>, '#', '+' and '-' formatting flags, 'L', 'h', 'l' and 'll' format modifiers, and the following standard format specifiers: cdiouxXeEfgGps. In addition, PTypes supports a format specifier a for IP addresses (ipaddress type) and also t and T for timestamps (datetime type). Note that some compilers require to explicitly cast ipaddress arguments to long type, and also string arguments to const char* (or pconst).
void outstm::put(char c) writes the character c to the stream.
void outstm::put(string str) writes the string str to the stream.
void outstm::puteol() writes an end-of-line sequence to the stream. The actual sequence depends on the platform the library was compiled on. May flush data if the property flusheol is set to true.
void outstm::putline(string str) writes the string str to the stream followed by an end-of-line sequence, as in call to puteol().
int outstm::write(const char* buf, int count) writes count bytes from the buffer buf to the stream.
void outstm::flush() writes the remaining data in the buffer to the media, if any. This method is called automatically when the stream is being closed.
bool outstm::get/set_flusheol(bool) -- set this property to true if you want each line to be written to the media or communication stream immediately. Default is false.
See also: iobase, instm, Error handling