
#ifndef __PASYNC_H__ 
#define __PASYNC_H__ 

#ifdef WIN32 
#  define _WINSOCKAPI_   // prevent inclusion of winsock.h, since we need winsock2.h 
#  include <windows.h> 
#  include <pthread.h> 
#  ifndef __bsdi__ 
#    include <semaphore.h> 
#  endif 

#ifndef __PPORT_H__ 
#include "pport.h" 

#ifndef __PTYPES_H__ 
#include "ptypes.h" 


//  Summary of implementation:
//  atomic increment/decrement/exchange
//    MSVC/BCC/i386: internal, asm
//    GCC/i386: internal, asm
//    GCC/PowerPC: internal, asm
//    GCC/SPARC: internal, asm
//    Other: internal, mutex hash table
//  mutex
//    Win32: Critical section
//    Other: POSIX mutex
//  trigger
//    Win32: Event
//    Other: internal, POSIX condvar/mutex
//  rwlock:
//    Win32: internal, Event/mutex
//    MacOS: internal, POSIX condvar/mutex
//    Other: POSIX rwlock
//  semaphore:
//    Win32: = timedsem
//    MacOS: = timedsem
//    Other: POSIX semaphore
//  timedsem (with timed waiting):
//    Win32: Semaphore
//    Other: internal, POSIX mutex/condvar

#ifdef _MSC_VER 
#pragma pack(push, 4) 

#ifdef WIN32 
   typedef int pthread_id_t;
   typedef HANDLE pthread_t;
   typedef pthread_t pthread_id_t;

void psleep(uint milliseconds);
bool pthrequal(pthread_id_t id);  // note: this is NOT the thread handle, use thread::get_id()
pthread_id_t pthrself();          // ... same

// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- mutex ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#ifdef WIN32 

struct mutex: public noncopyable
    mutex()         { InitializeCriticalSection(&;critsec); }
    ~mutex()        { DeleteCriticalSection(&critsec); }
    void enter()    { EnterCriticalSection(&critsec); }
    void leave()    { LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec); }
    void lock()     { enter(); }
    void unlock()   { leave(); }


struct mutex: public noncopyable
    pthread_mutex_t mtx;
    mutex()         { pthread_mutex_init(&mtx, 0); }
    ~mutex()        { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mtx); }
    void enter()    { pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx); }
    void leave()    { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); }
    void lock()     { enter(); }
    void unlock()   { leave(); }


// scopelock

class scopelock: public noncopyable
    mutex* mtx;
    scopelock(mutex& imtx): mtx(&imtx)  { mtx->lock(); }
    ~scopelock()  { mtx->unlock(); }

// mutex table for hashed memory locking (undocumented)

#define _MUTEX_HASH_SIZE     29      // a prime number for hashing 

#ifdef WIN32 
#  define pmemlock        mutex 
#  define pmementer(m)    (m)->lock() 
#  define pmemleave(m)    (m)->unlock() 
#  define pmemlock        pthread_mutex_t 
#  define pmementer       pthread_mutex_lock 
#  define pmemleave       pthread_mutex_unlock 

extern pmemlock _mtxtable[_MUTEX_HASH_SIZE];

#define pgetmemlock(addr) (_mtxtable + pintptr(addr) % _MUTEX_HASH_SIZE) 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- trigger -------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#ifdef WIN32 

class trigger: public noncopyable
    HANDLE handle;      // Event object
    trigger(bool autoreset, bool state);
    ~trigger()          { CloseHandle(handle); }
    void wait()         { WaitForSingleObject(handle, INFINITE); }
    void post()         { SetEvent(handle); }
    void signal()       { post(); }
    void reset()        { ResetEvent(handle); }


class trigger: public noncopyable
    pthread_mutex_t mtx;
    pthread_cond_t cond;
    int state;
    bool autoreset;
    trigger(bool autoreset, bool state);
    void wait();
    void post();
    void signal()  { post(); }
    void reset();


// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- rwlock --------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__bsdi__) 
#  define __PTYPES_RWLOCK__ 
#elif defined(linux) 
   // on Linux rwlocks are included only with -D_GNU_SOURCE.
   // programs that don't use rwlocks, do not need to define
   // _GNU_SOURCE either.
#  if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) || defined(__USE_UNIX98) 
#    define __POSIX_RWLOCK__ 
#  endif 
#  define __POSIX_RWLOCK__ 

#ifdef __PTYPES_RWLOCK__ 

struct rwlock: protected mutex
#ifdef WIN32 
    HANDLE  reading;    // Event object
    HANDLE  finished;   // Event object
    int     readcnt;
    int     writecnt;
    pthread_mutex_t mtx;
    pthread_cond_t readcond;
    pthread_cond_t writecond;
    int locks;
    int writers;
    int readers;
    void rdlock();
    void wrlock();
    void unlock();
    void lock()     { wrlock(); }

#elif defined(__POSIX_RWLOCK__) 

struct rwlock: public noncopyable
    pthread_rwlock_t rw;
    ~rwlock()       { pthread_rwlock_destroy(&rw); }
    void rdlock()   { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rw); }
    void wrlock()   { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rw); }
    void unlock()   { pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rw); }
    void lock()     { wrlock(); }


#if defined(__PTYPES_RWLOCK__) || defined(__POSIX_RWLOCK__) 

// scoperead & scopewrite

class scoperead: public noncopyable
    rwlock* rw;
    scoperead(rwlock& irw): rw(&irw)  { rw->rdlock(); }
    ~scoperead()  { rw->unlock(); }

class scopewrite: public noncopyable
    rwlock* rw;
    scopewrite(rwlock& irw): rw(&irw)  { rw->wrlock(); }
    ~scopewrite()  { rw->unlock(); }


// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- semaphore ------------------------------------------------------ //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__bsdi__) 
#  define __SEM_TO_TIMEDSEM__ 

#ifdef __SEM_TO_TIMEDSEM__ 

// map ordinary semaphore to timed semaphore

class timedsem;
typedef timedsem semaphore;


class semaphore: public unknown
    sem_t handle;
    semaphore(int initvalue);
    virtual ~semaphore();

    void wait();
    void post();
    void signal()  { post(); }


class timedsem: public unknown
#ifdef WIN32 
    HANDLE handle;
    int count;
    pthread_mutex_t mtx;
    pthread_cond_t cond;
    timedsem(int initvalue);
    virtual ~timedsem();
    bool wait(int msecs = -1);
    void post();
    void signal()  { post(); }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- thread --------------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

class thread: public unknown
#ifdef WIN32 
    unsigned id;
    pthread_t  handle;
    int  autofree;
    int  running;
    int  signaled;
    int  finished;
    int  freed;
    int  reserved;   // for priorities
    timedsem relaxsem;

    virtual void execute() = 0;
    virtual void cleanup();

    bool relax(int msecs) { return relaxsem.wait(msecs); }

    friend void _threadepilog(thread* thr);

#ifdef WIN32 
    friend unsigned __stdcall _threadproc(void* arg);
    friend void* _threadproc(void* arg);

    thread(bool iautofree);
    virtual ~thread();

#ifdef WIN32 
    pthread_id_t get_id()   { return int(id); }
    pthread_id_t get_id()   { return handle; }

    bool get_running()    { return running != 0; }
    bool get_finished()   { return finished != 0; }
    bool get_signaled()   { return signaled != 0; }

    void start();
    void signal();
    void waitfor();

// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- jobqueue & msgqueue -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- //

const int MSG_USER = 0;
const int MSG_QUIT = -1;

const int DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT = 5000;

class message: public unknown
    message* next;          // next in the message chain, used internally
    semaphore* sync;        // used internally by msgqueue::send(), when called from a different thread
    friend class jobqueue;  // my friends, job queue and message queue...
    friend class msgqueue;
    int id;
    pintptr param;
    pintptr result;
    message(int iid, pintptr iparam = 0);
    virtual ~message();

class jobqueue: public noncopyable
    int       limit;        // queue limit
    message*  head;         // queue head
    message*  tail;         // queue tail
    int       qcount;       // number of items in the queue
    timedsem  sem;          // queue semaphore
    timedsem  ovrsem;       // overflow semaphore
    mutex     qlock;        // critical sections in enqueue and dequeue

    bool enqueue(message* msg, int timeout = -1);
    bool push(message* msg, int timeout = -1);
    message* dequeue(bool safe = true, int timeout = -1);
    void purgequeue();

    jobqueue(int ilimit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT);
    virtual ~jobqueue();

    int  get_count() const  { return qcount; }
    int  get_limit() const  { return limit; }

    bool post(message* msg, int timeout = -1);
    bool post(int id, pintptr param = 0, int timeout = -1);
    bool posturgent(message* msg, int timeout = -1);
    bool posturgent(int id, pintptr param = 0, int timeout = -1);
    message* getmessage(int timeout = -1);

    int  msgsavail() const  { return get_count(); }

template <class T> class tjobqueue: protected jobqueue
    tjobqueue(int ilimit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT);

    int  get_count() const                      { return jobqueue::get_count(); }
    int  get_limit() const                      { return jobqueue::get_limit(); }
    bool post(T* msg, int timeout = -1)         { return jobqueue::post(msg, timeout); }
    bool posturgent(T* msg, int timeout = -1)   { return jobqueue::posturgent(msg, timeout); }
    T*   getmessage(int timeout = -1)           { return (T*)jobqueue::getmessage(timeout); }

class msgqueue: protected jobqueue
    mutex thrlock;          // lock for the queue processing
    pthread_id_t owner;     // thread ID of the queue processing thread

    pintptr finishmsg(message* msg);
    void handlemsg(message* msg);
    void takeownership();

    bool quit;

    void defhandler(message& msg);
    virtual void msghandler(message& msg) = 0;

    msgqueue(int ilimit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT);
    virtual ~msgqueue();

    // functions calling from the owner thread:
    void processone();  // process one message, may hang if no msgs in the queue
    void processmsgs(); // process all available messages and return
    void run();         // process messages until MSG_QUIT

    // functions calling from any thread:
    int  get_count() const                                        { return jobqueue::get_count(); }
    int  get_limit() const                                        { return jobqueue::get_limit(); }
    bool post(message* msg, int timeout = -1)                     { return jobqueue::post(msg, timeout); }
    bool post(int id, pintptr param = 0, int timeout = -1)        { return jobqueue::post(id, param, timeout); }
    bool posturgent(message* msg, int timeout = -1)               { return jobqueue::posturgent(msg, timeout); }
    bool posturgent(int id, pintptr param = 0, int timeout = -1)  { return jobqueue::posturgent(id, param, timeout); }
    pintptr send(message* msg);
    pintptr send(int id, pintptr param = 0);

    int  msgsavail() const  { return get_count(); }

#ifdef _MSC_VER 
#pragma pack(pop) 


#endif // __PASYNC_H__ 

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