Version 1.2 + Added a Irr3DLib class that will control all 3D objects + Also Added a Irr2D class that works on the same concept. + IrrSphere is now owned by Irr3DLib + Updated the examples using the latest code Version 1.2.2 + Added IrrEventReciever to handle all input - Still under work + Fixed some misc coding bugs + Added template class + Added sprite class + Added GUI class Version 1.2.3 + IrrEventReciver now works as advertised + Baseclass is now being used + A couple somewhat-useful functions + int_to_string + stringw_to_stdstring + stdstring_to_stringw + GUI elements + Static text is working + Under construction for a data type class Version 1.2.4 + Implmented color codes accessiable through the class + IrrLib.Color.RED (ect) Version 1.2.5 + Implmented mouse events + IrrLib.getMouseX(); + IrrLib.getMouseY(); + Using vectors instead of static arrays + Side note: Was going to use dynamic arrays, but C++ has vectors which are 10x better. + Added a default exit for when you hit esc + Use IrrLib.IrrEvent.SetEscExit(false) to turn that off for your software + Use IrrLib.IrrEvent.SetEscExit(true) to turn it back on + Every stable version will now include a windows DLL. + Possible Linux .so file in the future.