{aurl 'syntax_url', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::view', array($project.shortname, 'IndeferoMarkdownHelp')} {aurl 'wiki_add', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::create', array($project.shortname)} {aurl 'wiki_update', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::update', array($project.shortname, 'IndeferoSummaryDefault')} {aurl 'wiki_history', 'IDF_Views_Wiki::history', array($project.shortname, 'IndeferoSummaryDefault')} {aurl 'wiki_admin', 'IDF_Views_Project::adminWiki', array($project.shortname)} {blocktrans} Welcome on the documentation section of the project {$project->name}. All documentation page use the markdown syntax, you can find help about this syntax on this [page]({$syntax_url}). - You can another Wiki page [here]({$wiki_add}). - You can update this page [here]({$wiki_update}). - You can select an other default wiki page [here]({$wiki_admin}). You need to be admin. All modification on a wiki page are saved, and you can see this history for each pages. The history of the current page can be see [here]({$wiki_history}). {/blocktrans}