using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc;
namespace MyDownloader.App.SingleInstancing
/// Represents the method which would be used to retrieve an ISingleInstanceEnforcer object when instantiating a SingleInstanceTracker object.
/// If the method returns null, the SingleInstanceTracker's constructor will throw an exception.
/// An ISingleInstanceEnforcer object which would receive messages.
public delegate ISingleInstanceEnforcer SingleInstanceEnforcerRetriever();
/// Represents an object used to check for a previous instance of an application, and sending messages to it.
public class SingleInstanceTracker : IDisposable
#region Member Variables
private bool disposed;
private Mutex singleInstanceMutex;
private bool isFirstInstance;
private IChannel ipcChannel;
private SingleInstanceProxy proxy;
#region Construction / Destruction
/// Instantiates a new SingleInstanceTracker object.
/// When using this constructor it is assumed that there is no need for sending messages to the first application instance.
/// To enable the tracker's ability to send messages to the first instance, use the SingleInstanceTracker(string name, SingleInstanceEnforcerRetriever enforcerRetriever) constructor overload instead.
/// The unique name used to identify the application.
/// name is null or empty.
/// A general error occured while trying to instantiate the SingleInstanceInteractor. See InnerException for more details.
public SingleInstanceTracker(string name)
: this(name, null) { }
/// Instantiates a new SingleInstanceTracker object.
/// When using this constructor overload and enforcerRetriever is null, the SingleInstanceTracker object can only be used to determine whether the application is already running.
/// The unique name used to identify the application.
/// The method which would be used to retrieve an ISingleInstanceEnforcer object when instantiating the new object.
/// name is null or empty.
/// A general error occured while trying to instantiate the SingleInstanceInteractor. See InnerException for more details.
public SingleInstanceTracker(string name, SingleInstanceEnforcerRetriever enforcerRetriever)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException("name", "name cannot be null or empty.");
singleInstanceMutex = new Mutex(true, name, out isFirstInstance);
// Do not attempt to construct the IPC channel if there is no need for messages
if (enforcerRetriever != null)
string proxyObjectName = "SingleInstanceProxy";
string proxyUri = "ipc://" + name + "/" + proxyObjectName;
// If no previous instance was found, create a server channel which will provide the proxy to the first created instance
if (isFirstInstance)
// Create an IPC server channel to listen for SingleInstanceProxy object requests
ipcChannel = new IpcServerChannel(name);
// Register the channel and get it ready for use
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(ipcChannel, false);
// Register the service which gets the SingleInstanceProxy object, so it can be accessible by IPC client channels
RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(SingleInstanceProxy), proxyObjectName, WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton);
// Attempt to retrieve the enforcer from the delegated method
ISingleInstanceEnforcer enforcer = enforcerRetriever();
// Validate that an enforcer object was returned
if (enforcer == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The method delegated by the enforcerRetriever argument returned null. The method must return an ISingleInstanceEnforcer object.");
// Create the first proxy object
proxy = new SingleInstanceProxy(enforcer);
// Publish the first proxy object so IPC clients requesting a proxy would receive a reference to it
RemotingServices.Marshal(proxy, proxyObjectName);
// Create an IPC client channel to request the existing SingleInstanceProxy object.
ipcChannel = new IpcClientChannel();
// Register the channel and get it ready for use
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(ipcChannel, false);
// Retreive a reference to the proxy object which will be later used to send messages
proxy = (SingleInstanceProxy)Activator.GetObject(typeof(SingleInstanceProxy), proxyUri);
// Notify the first instance of the application that a new instance was created
// proxy.Enforcer.OnNewInstanceCreated(new EventArgs());
catch (Exception ex)
throw new SingleInstancingException("Failed to instantiate a new SingleInstanceTracker object. See InnerException for more details.", ex);
/// Releases all unmanaged resources used by the object.
#region IDisposable Members
/// Releases all unmanaged resources used by the object, and potentially releases managed resources.
/// true to dispose of managed resources; otherwise false.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
if (disposing)
if (singleInstanceMutex != null)
singleInstanceMutex = null;
if (ipcChannel != null)
ipcChannel = null;
disposed = true;
/// Releases all resources used by the object.
public void Dispose()
#region Member Functions
/// Sends a message to the first instance of the application.
/// The message to send to the first instance of the application. The message must be serializable.
/// The object was constructed with the SingleInstanceTracker(string name) constructor overload, or with the SingleInstanceTracker(string name, SingleInstanceEnforcerRetriever enforcerRetriever) cosntructor overload, with enforcerRetriever set to null.
/// The SingleInstanceInteractor has failed to send the message to the first application instance. The first instance might have terminated.
public void SendMessageToFirstInstance(object message)
if (disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("The SingleInstanceTracker object has already been disposed.");
if (ipcChannel == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The object was constructed with the SingleInstanceTracker(string name) constructor overload, or with the SingleInstanceTracker(string name, SingleInstanceEnforcerRetriever enforcerRetriever) constructor overload, with enforcerRetriever set to null, thus you cannot send messages to the first instance.");
proxy.Enforcer.OnMessageReceived(new MessageEventArgs(message));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new SingleInstancingException("Failed to send message to the first instance of the application. The first instance might have terminated.", ex);
#region Properties
/// Gets a value indicating whether this instance of the application is the first instance.
public bool IsFirstInstance
if (disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("The SingleInstanceTracker object has already been disposed.");
return isFirstInstance;
/// Gets the single instance enforcer (the first instance of the application) which would receive messages.
public ISingleInstanceEnforcer Enforcer
if (disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("The SingleInstanceTracker object has already been disposed.");
return proxy.Enforcer;