using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using System.Data; using IniParser; using IniParser.Model; namespace MyDownloader.Core.Common { public class CookieManager { // Cookies are now randomized in IE - public class CookieStruct { //1 The Variable Name //2 The Value for the Variable //3 The Website of the Cookie’s Owner //4 Optional Flags //5 The Most Significant Integer for Expired Time, in FILETIME Format //6 The Least Significant Integer for Expired Time, in FILETIME Format //7 The Most Significant Integer for Creation Time, in FILETIME Format //8 The Least Significant Integer for Creation Time, in FILETIME Format //9 The Cookie Record Delimiter (a * character) public string VarName; public string VarValue; public string Domain; public int Flags; public DateTime ExpirationDate; public DateTime CreationDate; } public static CookieCollection GetCookieCollection(string url) { CookieCollection ret = new CookieCollection(); Uri location = new Uri(url); if (Settings.Default.CookieSource == "Internet Explorer") { BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.Open(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies) + "/Low/index.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)); byte[] indexfile = br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length); br.Close(); int loc = 0; int locfile = 0; int endlocfile = 0; byte[] domainfind = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(location.Host.Replace("www.", "")); loc = indexfile.indexOf(domainfind); byte[] bfile; if (loc != -1) { locfile = Array.IndexOf(indexfile, (byte)0xDE, loc); endlocfile = Array.IndexOf(indexfile, (byte)0x2E, locfile); bfile = indexfile.sub(locfile + 1, endlocfile); CookieStruct[] cs = ReadCookie(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies) + "/Low/" + Encoding.Default.GetString(bfile) + ".txt"); foreach (CookieStruct c in cs) { Cookie nc = new Cookie(c.VarName.Trim(), c.VarValue.Trim()); nc.Expires = c.ExpirationDate; nc.Domain = c.Domain; ret.Add(nc); } } } else if (Settings.Default.CookieSource == "Chrome") { string chromepath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default"; //string cookie = chromepath + @"\Cookies"; if (!File.Exists(chromepath + @"\Cookies")) { throw new Exception("Could not find Chrome cookie file!"); } if (File.Exists(chromepath + @"\Cookies.dndm")) { File.Delete(chromepath + @"\Cookies.dndm"); } // We have to copy the cookies SQLite file because Chrome locks it File.Copy(chromepath + @"\Cookies", chromepath + @"\Cookies.dndm", true); SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(chromepath + @"\Cookies.dndm"); DataTable cookietable = db.GetDataTable(String.Format("SELECT * FROM cookies where host_key = \"{0}\" or host_key = \"{1}\" or host_key = \"{2}\" or host_key = \"{3}\"", location.Host, location.Host, location.Host.Replace("www.", ""), "." + location.Host)); if (cookietable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach(DataRow dr in cookietable.Rows) { Cookie nc = new Cookie(dr["name"].ToString().Trim(), dr["value"].ToString().Trim()); nc.Expires = DateTimeExtension.FromUnixTime((Double.Parse(dr["expires_utc"].ToString()) / 1000000) - 11644473600); nc.Domain = dr["host_key"].ToString(); ret.Add(nc); } } File.Delete(chromepath + @"\Cookies.dndm"); } else if (Settings.Default.CookieSource == "Firefox") { //Get default folder string firefoxpath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\..\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox"; firefoxpath = Path.GetFullPath(firefoxpath); string profilesini = firefoxpath + @"\profiles.ini"; FileIniDataParser iniparser = new FileIniDataParser(); IniData inifile = iniparser.ReadFile(profilesini); string profilefolder = inifile["Profile0"]["Path"]; string userfolder = firefoxpath + @"\" + profilefolder; string ffbookmarks = userfolder + @"\cookies.sqlite"; string tmpffbook = userfolder + @"\cookies.dndm"; File.Copy(ffbookmarks, tmpffbook, true); SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(Path.GetFullPath(tmpffbook)); DataTable cookietable = db.GetDataTable(String.Format("SELECT * FROM moz_cookies where host = \"{0}\" or host = \"{1}\" or host = \"{2}\" or host = \"{3}\"", location.Host, location.Host, location.Host.Replace("www.", ""), "." + location.Host)); if (cookietable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in cookietable.Rows) { Cookie nc = new Cookie(dr["name"].ToString(), dr["value"].ToString()); nc.Expires = DateTimeExtension.FromUnixTime(Double.Parse(dr["expiry"].ToString())); nc.Domain = dr["host"].ToString(); ret.Add(nc); } } File.Delete(tmpffbook); } // Old way of finding cookies - no longer works due to IE randomization of cookie file names /*FileInfo[] fis = SearchCookies(Domain); foreach (FileInfo fi in fis) { CookieStruct[] cs = ReadCookie(fi.FullName); foreach(CookieStruct c in cs) if (baseUrl.EndsWith(c.Domain) && c.ExpirationDate > DateTime.Now) { Cookie nc = new Cookie(c.VarName, c.VarValue); nc.Expires = c.ExpirationDate; nc.Domain = c.Domain; ret.Add(nc); } }*/ return ret; } private static FileInfo[] SearchCookies(string Domain) { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path); FileInfo[] fis = di.GetFiles(string.Format("*@{0}[*.txt", Domain)); di = new DirectoryInfo(path + "//Low"); if (di.Exists) { FileInfo[] fisLow = di.GetFiles(string.Format("*@{0}[*.txt", Domain)); FileInfo[] ret = new FileInfo[fis.Length + fisLow.Length]; fis.CopyTo(ret, 0); fisLow.CopyTo(ret, fis.Length); return ret; } else return fis; } private static CookieStruct[] ReadCookie(string fn) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fn); string cookie = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); string[] data=cookie.Split('\n'); int cookieNum = data.Length / 9; CookieStruct[] ret = new CookieStruct[cookieNum]; for (int i = 0; i < cookieNum; i++) { int bline = i * 9; ret[i] = new CookieStruct(); ret[i].VarName = data[bline]; ret[i].VarValue = data[bline+1]; ret[i].Domain = data[bline + 2]; ret[i].Flags = Convert.ToInt32(data[bline + 3]); long l = Convert.ToInt64(data[bline + 4]); l += Convert.ToInt64(data[bline + 5]) << 32; ret[i].ExpirationDate = DateTime.FromFileTime(l); l = Convert.ToInt64(data[bline + 6]); l += Convert.ToInt64(data[bline + 7]) << 32; ret[i].CreationDate = DateTime.FromFileTime(l); } return ret; } //[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] //static extern bool InternetGetCookie(string lpszUrlName, string lpszCookieName, [Out] StringBuilder lpszCookieData, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ref int lpdwSize); //[DllImport("wininet.dll", EntryPoint = "InternetSetCookie", ExactSpelling = false, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] //static extern bool InternetSetCookie(string url, string cookieName, string cookieData); //const int ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259; //const int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 122; //const int ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87; //const int INTERNET_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = 0x00002000; //public static void SetCookie(string siteUrl, string cookieName, string cookieData) //{ // if (!InternetSetCookie(siteUrl, cookieName, cookieData)) // { // throw new Exception("Exception setting cookie: Win32 Error code=" + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); // } //} /*public static CookieContainer GetUriCookieContainer(string uri) { CookieContainer cookies = null; // Determine the size of the cookie int datasize = 256; StringBuilder cookieData = new StringBuilder(datasize); if (!InternetGetCookieEx(uri, null, cookieData, ref datasize, INTERNET_COOKIE_HTTPONLY, null)) { int er = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (er == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) return new CookieContainer(); else if (er == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { cookieData = new StringBuilder(datasize); if (!InternetGetCookie(uri, null, cookieData, ref datasize)) return new CookieContainer(); } else if (er == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) throw new Exception("InternetGetCookie: Invalid Parameter submitted."); else throw new Exception(String.Format("InternetGetCookie: Error. (Error Code: {0})", er)); } cookies = new CookieContainer(); cookies.SetCookies(new Uri(uri), cookieData.ToString().Replace(';', ',')); return cookies; }*/ } }