diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer.sln
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer.sln Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
+# Visual Studio 2010
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "AxiosPlatformer", "AxiosPlatformer\AxiosPlatformer\AxiosPlatformer.csproj", "{28C42944-C45F-4533-A0D3-354E8CD29E92}"
+Project("{96E2B04D-8817-42C6-938A-82C39BA4D311}") = "AxiosPlatformerContent", "AxiosPlatformer\AxiosPlatformerContent\AxiosPlatformerContent.contentproj", "{4B855C88-34F8-49E0-A377-F129E40683BC}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+ Release|x86 = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {28C42944-C45F-4533-A0D3-354E8CD29E92}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86
+ {28C42944-C45F-4533-A0D3-354E8CD29E92}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|x86
+ {28C42944-C45F-4533-A0D3-354E8CD29E92}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86
+ {28C42944-C45F-4533-A0D3-354E8CD29E92}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|x86
+ {4B855C88-34F8-49E0-A377-F129E40683BC}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x86
+ {4B855C88-34F8-49E0-A377-F129E40683BC}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Game.ico
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Game.ico has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Game1.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Game1.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
+using GameStateManagement;
+using FarseerPhysics.SamplesFramework;
+using AxiosPlatformer.MenuScreens;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer
+ ///
+ /// This is the main type for your game
+ ///
+ public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
+ {
+ GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
+ SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
+ public ScreenManager ScreenManager { get; set; }
+ public Game1()
+ {
+ graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
+ Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
+ graphics.IsFullScreen = false;
+ graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1280;
+ graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 720;
+ ConvertUnits.SetDisplayUnitToSimUnitRatio(Axios.Settings.DisplayUnitToSimUnitRatio);
+ ScreenManager = new ScreenManager(this);
+ Components.Add(ScreenManager);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
+ /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
+ /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
+ /// and initialize them as well.
+ ///
+ protected override void Initialize()
+ {
+ // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
+ base.Initialize();
+ ScreenManager.AddScreen(new MainMenu());
+ }
+ ///
+ /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
+ /// all of your content.
+ ///
+ protected override void LoadContent()
+ {
+ // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
+ spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
+ // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
+ }
+ ///
+ /// UnloadContent will be called once per game and is the place to unload
+ /// all content.
+ ///
+ protected override void UnloadContent()
+ {
+ // TODO: Unload any non ContentManager content here
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world,
+ /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio.
+ ///
+ /// Provides a snapshot of timing values.
+ protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ // Allows the game to exit
+ if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
+ this.Exit();
+ // TODO: Add your update logic here
+ base.Update(gameTime);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This is called when the game should draw itself.
+ ///
+ /// Provides a snapshot of timing values.
+ protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue);
+ // TODO: Add your drawing code here
+ base.Draw(gameTime);
+ }
+ }
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/GameScreens/LevelLoader.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/GameScreens/LevelLoader.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Axios.Engine;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using System.IO;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
+using FarseerPhysics.Dynamics;
+using Axios.Engine.Gleed2D;
+using Axios.Engine.File;
+using FarseerPhysics.SamplesFramework;
+using System.IO.Compression;
+using AxiosPlatformer.Objects;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer.GameScreens
+ class GameConsole : AxiosCommandConsole
+ {
+ public GameConsole(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen)
+ : base(gameScreen)
+ {
+ //LoadDefault();
+ }
+ protected override void LoadContent()
+ {
+ LoadDefault();
+ base.LoadContent();
+ }
+ }
+ class LevelLoader : AxiosGameScreen
+ {
+ private int level = 1;
+ //start from first level
+ public LevelLoader()
+ {
+ EnableCameraControl = true;
+ }
+ public LevelLoader(int level)
+ {
+ this.level = level;
+ }
+ public override bool LoadRectangleItem(RectangleItem rectangleitem)
+ {
+ base.LoadRectangleItem(rectangleitem);
+ if (rectangleitem.CustomProperties.Keys.Contains("Playerstart") && (bool)rectangleitem.CustomProperties.Keys.Contains("Playerstart"))
+ {
+ AddGameObject(new Player(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(rectangleitem.Position)));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)
+ {
+ base.Activate(instancePreserved);
+ AxiosTitleFile file = new AxiosTitleFile("Levels/level" + level.ToString() + ".xml.gz");
+ GZipStream zipstream = new GZipStream(file.GetStream(FileMode.Open), CompressionMode.Decompress);
+ Level = Level.FromStream(zipstream, this);
+ World.Gravity = new Vector2(0, 10f);
+ }
+ public override bool LoadTextureItem(TextureItem textureitem)
+ {
+ base.LoadTextureItem(textureitem);
+ if (textureitem.Layer.CustomProperties.Keys.Contains("Collision") && (bool)textureitem.Layer.CustomProperties.Keys.Contains("Collision"))
+ {
+ Textureobject tobj = new Textureobject(textureitem.texture);
+ tobj.Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(textureitem.Position);
+ AddGameObject(tobj);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/GameThumbnail.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/GameThumbnail.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Levels/level1.xml.gz
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Levels/level1.xml.gz has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/MenuScreens/MainMenu.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/MenuScreens/MainMenu.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+using GameStateManagement;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using AxiosPlatformer.GameScreens;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer.MenuScreens
+ class MainMenu : MenuScreen
+ {
+ public MainMenu() : base("Axios Platformer") { }
+ public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved)
+ {
+ base.Activate(instancePreserved);
+ MenuEntries.Add(new MenuEntry("New Game"));
+ //MenuEntries.Add(new MenuEntry("Load Game"));
+ //MenuEntries.Add(new MenuEntry("Options"));
+ MenuEntries.Add(new MenuEntry("Exit Game"));
+ }
+ protected override void OnSelectEntry(int entryIndex, PlayerIndex playerIndex)
+ {
+ base.OnSelectEntry(entryIndex, playerIndex);
+ switch (entryIndex)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ ScreenManager.AddScreen(new LevelLoader(), PlayerIndex.One);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ this.ScreenManager.Game.Exit();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnCancel(PlayerIndex playerIndex)
+ {
+ base.OnCancel(playerIndex);
+ ScreenManager.Game.Exit();
+ }
+ }
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Objects/AnimatedCharacter.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Objects/AnimatedCharacter.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Axios.Engine;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer.Objects
+ class AnimatedCharacter : SimpleDrawableAxiosGameObject
+ {
+ public enum Direction
+ {
+ Up,
+ Down,
+ Left,
+ Right
+ }
+ public Direction? _direction = Direction.Down;
+ protected Texture2D _playersheet = null;
+ protected List _characterdown = null;
+ protected List _characterup = null;
+ protected List _characterleft = null;
+ protected List _characterright = null;
+ protected int _currentFrame = 0;
+ protected int _prevFrame = 0;
+ protected int _endFrame = 0;
+ protected int _startFrame = 0;
+ protected float _interval = 150;
+ protected float _timer = 0;
+ protected bool Animate = false;
+ protected float Walkingspeed = 5;
+ public override void LoadContent(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen)
+ {
+ base.LoadContent(gameScreen);
+ }
+ protected void Move(Direction direction)
+ {
+ Animate = true;
+ switch (direction)
+ {
+ case Direction.Left:
+ _direction = Direction.Left;
+ BodyPart.ApplyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(-Walkingspeed, 0));
+ break;
+ case Direction.Right:
+ _direction = Direction.Right;
+ BodyPart.ApplyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(Walkingspeed, 0));
+ break;
+ case Direction.Up:
+ _direction = Direction.Up;
+ BodyPart.ApplyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0, -200f), BodyPart.Position);
+ //dyPart.LinearVelocity =
+ break;
+ /*case Direction.Down:
+ _direction = Direction.Down;
+ BodyPart.LinearVelocity = new Vector2(0, Walkingspeed);
+ break;*/
+ }
+ }
+ protected void UpdateAnimation()
+ {
+ if (_direction == Direction.Left)
+ {
+ //pull from left sprite sheet
+ Texture = _characterleft[_currentFrame];
+ }
+ else if (_direction == Direction.Up)
+ {
+ Texture = _characterup[_currentFrame];
+ }
+ //else if (_direction == Direction.Down)
+ //{
+ // Texture = _characterdown[_currentFrame];
+ //}
+ else if (_direction == Direction.Right)
+ {
+ Texture = _characterright[_currentFrame];
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Update(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen)
+ {
+ base.Update(gameScreen, gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);
+ HandleAnimation((float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds);
+ UpdateAnimation();
+ }
+ protected void HandleAnimation(float gameTime)
+ {
+ _startFrame = 0;
+ switch (_direction)
+ {
+ case Direction.Left:
+ _endFrame = _characterleft.Count;
+ break;
+ case Direction.Right:
+ _endFrame = _characterright.Count;
+ break;
+ //case Direction.Down:
+ // _endFrame = _characterdown.Count;
+ // break;
+ case Direction.Up:
+ _endFrame = _characterup.Count;
+ break;
+ }
+ --_endFrame;
+ if (_currentFrame <= _startFrame || _currentFrame >= _endFrame)
+ _currentFrame = _startFrame;
+ else
+ _currentFrame = _prevFrame;
+ _timer += gameTime;
+ if (_timer > _interval) // check timer
+ {
+ if (Animate)
+ _currentFrame++; // go to the next frame of animation
+ _timer = 0f; // reset the timer
+ }
+ if (_currentFrame > (_endFrame))
+ {
+ _currentFrame = _startFrame;
+ }
+ _prevFrame = _currentFrame;
+ }
+ }
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Objects/Player.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Objects/Player.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Axios.Engine;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using Axios.Engine.Extensions;
+using FarseerPhysics.Factories;
+using FarseerPhysics.SamplesFramework;
+using GameStateManagement;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
+using Axios.Engine.Gleed2D;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer.Objects
+ class Player : AnimatedCharacter
+ {
+ private Vector2 initialpos;
+ public Player(Vector2 pos)
+ {
+ this.initialpos = pos;
+ }
+ private bool jumping = false;
+ public override void Update(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen)
+ {
+ base.Update(gameScreen, gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);
+ //this.BodyPart.LinearVelocity = new Vector2(0, -5f);
+ }
+ public override void LoadContent(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen)
+ {
+ base.LoadContent(gameScreen);
+ int xcount, ycount;
+ List walksheets = new List();
+ for(int i = 1; i < 12; i++)
+ walksheets.Add( gameScreen.ScreenManager.Game.Content.Load("tiles/character/walk/walk00" + i.ToString("D2")));
+ //_playersheet =
+ /*Texture2D[] tmpsheets = _playersheet.SplitFlat(192, 32, out xcount, out ycount);
+ Texture2D[] tmpsheetsdown = tmpsheets[0].SplitFlat(24, 32, out xcount, out ycount);
+ Texture2D[] tmpsheetsup = tmpsheets[1].SplitFlat(24, 32, out xcount, out ycount);
+ Texture2D[] tmpsheetsleft = tmpsheets[2].SplitFlat(24, 32, out xcount, out ycount);
+ Texture2D[] tmpsheetsright = tmpsheets[3].SplitFlat(24, 32, out xcount, out ycount);*/
+ //_characterdown = walksheets.GetRange(0, 1);
+ _characterup = walksheets.GetRange(0, 1);
+ _characterleft = walksheets;
+ _characterright = walksheets;
+ Texture = walksheets[0];
+ //offset the width by a little
+ BodyPart = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(gameScreen.World, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Texture.Width - 5), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Texture.Height), 2f);
+ this.Origin = new Vector2(Texture.Width / 2f, Texture.Height / 2f);
+ BodyPart.Mass = 1f;
+ BodyPart.Position = initialpos;
+ BodyPart.FixedRotation = true;
+ BodyPart.UserData = this;
+ BodyPart.BodyType = FarseerPhysics.Dynamics.BodyType.Dynamic;
+ BodyPart.OnCollision += new FarseerPhysics.Dynamics.OnCollisionEventHandler(BodyPart_OnCollision);
+ BodyPart.Friction = 1f;
+ BodyPart.Restitution = 0f;
+ }
+ bool BodyPart_OnCollision(FarseerPhysics.Dynamics.Fixture fixtureA, FarseerPhysics.Dynamics.Fixture fixtureB, FarseerPhysics.Dynamics.Contacts.Contact contact)
+ {
+ if (fixtureB.UserData is Textureobject)
+ {
+ Textureobject item = (Textureobject)fixtureB.UserData;
+ jumping = false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override void HandleInput(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, InputState input, GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ base.HandleInput(gameScreen, input, gameTime);
+ //if (gameScreen.Console != null && gameScreen.Console.Active)
+ // return;
+ PlayerIndex p;
+ Animate = false;
+ if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.A, PlayerIndex.One, out p))
+ {
+ Move(Direction.Left);
+ }
+ if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.W, PlayerIndex.One, out p) && !jumping)
+ {
+ Move(Direction.Up);
+ jumping = true;
+ }
+ //else if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.S, PlayerIndex.One, out p))
+ //{
+ // Move(Direction.Down);
+ //}
+ if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.D, PlayerIndex.One, out p))
+ {
+ Move(Direction.Right);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //BodyPart.LinearVelocity = Vector2.Zero;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void OnMouseDown(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, InputState input)
+ {
+ base.OnMouseDown(gameScreen, input);
+ Console.WriteLine("clicked");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Objects/Textureobject.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Objects/Textureobject.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Axios.Engine;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using FarseerPhysics.Dynamics;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer.Objects
+ class Textureobject : SimpleDrawableAxiosGameObject
+ {
+ public Textureobject(Texture2D texture)
+ {
+ this.Texture = texture;
+ }
+ public override void LoadContent(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen)
+ {
+ base.LoadContent(gameScreen);
+ CreateBodyFromTexture(gameScreen);
+ this.BodyPart.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
+ }
+ /*public override void Draw(AxiosGameScreen gameScreen, GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ }*/
+ }
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Program.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Program.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using System;
+namespace AxiosPlatformer
+ static class Program
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The main entry point for the application.
+ ///
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ using (Game1 game = new Game1())
+ {
+ game.Run();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformer/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
+// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
+// associated with an assembly.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("AxiosPlatformer")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("AxiosPlatformer")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2013")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
+// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
+// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type. Only Windows
+// assemblies support COM.
+[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
+// On Windows, the following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this
+// project is exposed to COM. On other platforms, it unique identifies the
+// title storage container when deploying this assembly to the device.
+[assembly: Guid("376eb46d-36ba-41b4-9759-ab8e4175161e")]
+// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
+// Major Version
+// Minor Version
+// Build Number
+// Revision
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/AxiosPlatformerContent.contentproj
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/AxiosPlatformerContent.contentproj Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ {4B855C88-34F8-49E0-A377-F129E40683BC}
+ {96E2B04D-8817-42c6-938A-82C39BA4D311};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
+ Debug
+ x86
+ Library
+ Properties
+ v4.0
+ v4.0
+ bin\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)
+ Content
+ x86
+ x86
+ AxiosPlatformerContent
+ arrow
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ buttons
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ cursor
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ gradient
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ logo
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ popup
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ slider
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ socket
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ stick
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ blank
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ dots
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ pavement
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ squares
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ waves
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ alphabet
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ car
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ goo
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ link
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ object
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ wheel
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ alien_plant
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ block
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ bonus
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ bonus_used
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ bridge
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ bush
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ front
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ jump
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk_sheet
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ side
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0001
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0002
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0003
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0004
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0005
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0006
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0007
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0008
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0009
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0010
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ walk0011
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ cloud_1
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ cloud_2
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ cloud_3
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ coin_bronze
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ coin_gold
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ coin_silver
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ crate
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ fly_dead
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ fly_fly
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ fly_normal
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ slime_dead
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ slime_normal
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ slime_walk
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ fence
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ fence_broken
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ grass
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ ground
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ ground_cave
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ ground_dirt
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ ground_rock
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ ground_sand
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ hill_long
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ hill_short
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ key_blue
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ key_green
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ key_red
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ key_yellow
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ lava
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ lock_blue
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ lock_green
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ lock_red
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ lock_yellow
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ plank
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ rock
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ shroom
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ spikes
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_blue_off
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_blue_on
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_green_off
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_green_on
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_red_off
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_red_on
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_yellow_off
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ switch_yellow_on
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ water
+ TextureImporter
+ TextureProcessor
+ Console
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
+ font
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
+ credits
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
+ detailsFont
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
+ frameRateCounterFont
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
+ helptext
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
+ menufont
+ FontDescriptionImporter
+ FontDescriptionProcessor
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/arrow.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/arrow.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/buttons.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/cursor.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/cursor.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/gradient.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/gradient.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/logo.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/logo.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/popup.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/popup.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/slider.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/slider.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/socket.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/socket.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/stick.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Common/stick.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Console.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Console.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Segoe UI Mono
+ 14
+ 0
+ true
+ ~
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/credits.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/credits.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Calibri
+ 15
+ 0
+ true
+ ~
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/detailsFont.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/detailsFont.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Courier New
+ 10
+ 1
+ ~
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/frameRateCounterFont.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/frameRateCounterFont.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ Arial
+ 10
+ 2
+ f
+ f
+ p
+ p
+ t
+ t
+ n
+ n
+ s
+ s
+ :
+ :
+ 0
+ 9
+ .
+ .
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/helptext.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/helptext.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Segoe UI Mono
+ 8
+ 0
+ true
+ ~
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/menufont.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Fonts/menufont.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Segoe UI Mono
+ 23
+ 2
+ ~
\ No newline at end of file
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/blank.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/dots.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/dots.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/pavement.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/pavement.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/squares.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/waves.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Materials/waves.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/alphabet.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/alphabet.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/car.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/car.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/goo.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/goo.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/link.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/link.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/object.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/object.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/wheel.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/Samples/wheel.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/font.spritefont
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/font.spritefont Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Arial
+ 10
+ 0
+ true
+ ~
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/gleed2d.exe
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/gleed2d.exe has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/gzip.bat
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/gzip.bat Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@echo off
+REM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9252980/how-to-split-the-filename-from-a-full-path-in-batch
+For %%A in ("%1") do (
+ Set Folder=%%~dpA
+ Set Name=%%~nxA
+set Name=%Name:"=%
+gzip -f -k %Name%
+copy %1.gz "../AxiosPlatformer/Levels/%Name%.gz"
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/gzip.exe
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/gzip.exe has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/level1.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/level1.xml Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ -
+ -292
+ 89
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ -222
+ 88
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ -152
+ 86
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ -82
+ 84
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ -12
+ 84
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 56
+ 83
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 126
+ 82
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 196
+ 82
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 266
+ 81
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 336
+ 81
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 406
+ 80
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ -10
+ 16
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\crate.png
+ tiles\crate
+ 35
+ 35
+ -
+ 476
+ 80
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\ground.png
+ tiles\ground
+ 35
+ 35
+ 1
+ 1
+ true
+ -
+ -282
+ 12
+ true
+ 44
+ 38
+ 192
+ 0
+ 192
+ 145
+ 2445279424
+ 1
+ 1
+ -
+ -326
+ -240
+ 28
+ 294
+ 192
+ 0
+ 192
+ 145
+ 2445279424
+ -
+ 266
+ -4
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\hill_short.png
+ tiles\hill_short
+ 24
+ 51
+ -
+ -156
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\hill_short.png
+ tiles\hill_short
+ 24
+ 51
+ 1
+ 1
+ -
+ -14
+ -50
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ false
+ false
+ tiles\coin_gold.png
+ tiles\coin_gold
+ 17
+ 17
+ 1
+ 1
+ 18
+ C:\repos\axios-platformer\AxiosPlatformer\AxiosPlatformerContent
+ 0
+ 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/level1.xml.gz
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/level1.xml.gz has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/log.txt
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/log.txt Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+1/12/2013 3:37:49 PM.147 - Log File created.
+1/12/2013 3:37:49 PM.159 - Application started.
+1/12/2013 3:37:49 PM.712 - Creating Game1 object.
+1/12/2013 3:37:49 PM.858 - Game1 creation started.
+1/12/2013 3:37:49 PM.874 - Creating Winform.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.313 - Winform created.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.317 - Game1 creation ended.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.400 - Creating Editor object.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.407 - Editor creation started.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.414 - Loading Resources.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.499 - Resources loaded.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.502 - Loading Settings.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.655 - Settings loaded.
+1/12/2013 3:37:50 PM.658 - Creating new level.
+1/12/2013 3:38:01 PM.712 - New level created.
+1/12/2013 3:38:01 PM.753 - Editor creation ended.
+1/12/2013 3:54:10 PM.513 - pictureBox1_Resize().
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/settings.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/settings.xml Sat Jan 12 17:59:11 2013 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ gzip.bat
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ 255
+ 255
+ 0
+ 255
+ 4278255615
+ 255
+ 128
+ 0
+ 255
+ 4278223103
+ true
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 228
+ 3825205503
+ 100
+ 149
+ 237
+ 255
+ 4293760356
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 109
+ 1845493759
+ 192
+ 0
+ 192
+ 145
+ 2445279424
+ 255
+ 0
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294902015
+ 4
+ C:\repos\axios-platformer\AxiosPlatformer\AxiosPlatformerContent
+ 500
+ 2000
+ TextureCenter
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 255
+ 4294967295
+ 2
+ 192
+ 192
+ 192
+ 120
+ 2025898176
+ 1
+ 500
+ 64
+ 64
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/alien_plant.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/alien_plant.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/block.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/bonus.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/bonus_used.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/bridge.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/bush.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/front.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/jump.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/sheet/walk_sheet.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/side.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/side.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0001.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0002.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0002.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0003.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0003.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0004.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0004.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0005.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0005.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0006.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0006.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0007.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0007.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0008.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0008.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0009.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0009.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0010.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0010.png has changed
diff -r 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -r 4eda13b57be35539fc5756c844e7b9ca45cc2b77 AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0011.png
Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/character/walk/walk0011.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/crate.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/enemies/fly_dead.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/enemies/fly_normal.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/enemies/slime_walk.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/fence_broken.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/hill_short.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/shroom.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/switch_green_on.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/switch_red_off.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/switch_red_on.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/switch_yellow_off.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/switch_yellow_on.png has changed
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Binary file AxiosPlatformer/AxiosPlatformerContent/tiles/water.png has changed