using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Axios.Engine.Interfaces; using Axios.Engine.Log; using Axios.Engine.Structures; using Axios.Engine.UI; using FarseerPhysics.Dynamics; using FarseerPhysics.SamplesFramework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using GameStateManagement; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using Axios.Engine.Extensions; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using Gleed2D.InGame; using Axios.Engine.File; using System.Xml.Linq; using Gleed2D.Core; using System.Diagnostics; using Axios.Engine.Gleed2D; namespace Axios.Engine { public abstract class AxiosGameScreen : PhysicsGameScreen { private List _gameObjects; private List _objectstoremove = new List(); private AxiosGameObject prevobj; private AxiosGameObject prevfocusobj; #region DebugTextVariables #if DEBUG public SpriteFont DebugSpriteFont; public String DebugTextFont = "Fonts/helptext"; public Color DebugTextColor = Color.Red; #endif #endregion private List _timers; private List _uiobjects; protected Dictionary PathItems = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary TextureItems = new Dictionary(); //protected List TextureItems = new List(); protected Dictionary cache = new Dictionary(); private AxiosUIObject prevuiobj; private AxiosUIObject prevuifocusobj; protected Level Level; private Camera camera; #if WINDOWS AxiosCommandConsole _console = null; #endif protected bool AllowKeyboardWhileConsoleIsActive = false; #if WINDOWS public AxiosCommandConsole Console { get { return _console; } private set { _console = value; } } #endif public AxiosGameScreen() : base() { this._gameObjects = new List(); _timers = new List(); prevobj = null; prevfocusobj = null; this._uiobjects = new List(); prevuiobj = null; prevuifocusobj = null; } public void LoadLevelFromStream(Stream s) { XElement xml = XElement.Load(s); Level level = LevelLoader.Load(xml); this.Level = level; foreach (Layer layer in level.Layers) { foreach (LayerItem item in layer.Items) { //Debug.WriteLine(item.PropertyType); switch (item.PropertyType) { case "Gleed2D.InGame.PathItemProperties": this.LoadPathItem((PathItemProperties)item.Properties, layer); break; case "Gleed2D.InGame.TextureItemProperties": this.LoadTextureItem((TextureItemProperties)item.Properties, layer); break; case "Gleed2D.InGame.RectangleItemProperties": this.LoadRectangleItem((RectangleItemProperties)item.Properties, layer); break; case "Gleed2D.InGame.CircleItemProperties": this.LoadCircleItem((CircleItemProperties)item.Properties, layer); break; default: this.LoadOtherItem(item.Properties, item.PropertyType, layer); break; } /*Debug.WriteLine(item.Properties.Id); Debug.WriteLine(item.Properties.Name); Debug.WriteLine(item.PropertyType);*/ } } } public void LoadLevelFromFile(string s) { AxiosTitleFile file = new AxiosTitleFile(s); this.LoadLevelFromStream(file.GetStream(FileMode.Open)); } public void LoadLevelFromGZFile(string s) { AxiosTitleFile file = new AxiosTitleFile(s); GZipStream zipstream = new GZipStream(file.GetStream(FileMode.Open), CompressionMode.Decompress); this.LoadLevelFromStream(zipstream); } public Vector2 MouseAimVector(MouseState ms, Vector2 relativeposition) { Vector2 ret; ret = this.Camera.ConvertScreenToWorld(ms.Position()) - relativeposition; ret.Normalize(); return ret; } /*public void AddGameObject(T gameobject) { if (gameobject is AxiosGameObject || gameobject is AxiosUIObject) gameobject.LoadContent(this); if (gameobject is AxiosGameObject || gameobject is AxiosUIObject) gameobject.RemoveObject += new AxiosGameObject.RemoveAxiosGameObjectHandler(RemoveGameObject); if (gameobject is AxiosGameObject) { this._gameObjects.Add(gameobject); } else if (gameobject is AxiosUIObject) { this._uiobjects.Add(gameobject); } }*/ /*public void AddGameObject(AxiosGameObject gameobject) { gameobject.LoadContent(this); gameobject.RemoveObject += new AxiosGameObject.AxiosGameObjectHandler(RemoveGameObject); this._gameObjects.Add(gameobject); } public void AddGameObject(AxiosTimer timer) { timer.LoadContent(this); _timers.Add(timer); } public void AddGameObject(AxiosUIObject uiobject) { uiobject.LoadContent(this); uiobject.RemoveObject += new AxiosEvents.AxiosGameObjectHandler(RemoveGameObject); _uiobjects.Add(uiobject); }*/ public void AddGameObject(object obj) { #if WINDOWS if (obj is AxiosCommandConsole) { if (_console != null) { //remove the current one first ScreenManager.Game.Components.Remove(_console); _console.Dispose(); _console = null; } _console = (AxiosCommandConsole)obj; ScreenManager.Game.Components.Add(_console); _console.LoadContent(ScreenManager.Game.Content); } #endif if (obj is AxiosGameObject || obj is AxiosUIObject || obj is AxiosTimer) { AxiosGameObject tmp = obj as AxiosGameObject; if (obj is AxiosGameObject || obj is AxiosUIObject) tmp.RemoveObject += new AxiosEvents.AxiosGameObjectHandler(RemoveGameObject); tmp.LoadContent(this); if (obj is AxiosGameObject && !(obj is AxiosUIObject)) { _gameObjects.Add(tmp); } else if (obj is AxiosUIObject) { _uiobjects.Add(obj as AxiosUIObject); } else if (obj is AxiosTimer) { _timers.Add(obj as AxiosTimer); } } } public void RemoveGameObject(AxiosTimer timer) { _timers.Remove(timer); } public void RemoveGameObject(AxiosUIObject uiobject) { uiobject.RemoveObject -= new AxiosGameObject.AxiosGameObjectHandler(RemoveGameObject); uiobject.UnloadContent(this); _uiobjects.Remove(uiobject); } public void RemoveGameObject(AxiosGameObject gameobject) { if (this._gameObjects.Contains(gameobject)) { try { gameobject.UnloadContent(this); this._gameObjects.Remove(gameobject); } catch (Exception) { } } else { AxiosLog.Instance.AddLine("[Axios Engine] - Adding objects too fast...remove " + gameobject.Name + " later", LoggingFlag.DEBUG); this._objectstoremove.Add(gameobject); } } public void RemoveAll() { AxiosLog.Instance.AddLine("[Axios Engine] - Memory usage before cleanup: " + GC.GetTotalMemory(true).ToString(), LoggingFlag.DEBUG); foreach (AxiosGameObject g in _gameObjects) g.UnloadContent(this); foreach (AxiosUIObject ui in _uiobjects) ui.UnloadContent(this); this.World.Clear(); this._gameObjects.Clear(); _timers.Clear(); _uiobjects.Clear(); AxiosLog.Instance.AddLine("[Axios Engine] - Memory usage after cleanup: ", LoggingFlag.DEBUG); } public override void Activate(bool instancePreserved) { base.Activate(instancePreserved); #if DEBUG if (!Axios.Settings.ScreenSaver) { ContentManager man = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Game.Services, "Content"); this.DebugSpriteFont = man.Load(this.DebugTextFont); } #endif camera = new Camera(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); #if DEBUG EnableCameraControl = true; #else EnableCameraControl = false; #endif } public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); if (Level != null) { foreach (Layer layer in Level.Layers) { Vector2 oldcameraposition = camera.Position; //camera.Position *= layer.ScrollSpeed; ScreenManager.SpriteBatch.Begin(0, null, null, null, null, null, Camera.View); foreach (TextureItem i in TextureItems.Values) { if (i.LayerItem.Visible == true) { i.draw(ScreenManager.SpriteBatch); } } ScreenManager.SpriteBatch.End(); camera.Position = oldcameraposition; } } foreach (AxiosGameObject g in (from x in (from i in _gameObjects where i is IDrawableAxiosGameObject select (IDrawableAxiosGameObject)i) orderby x.DrawOrder select x)) ((IDrawableAxiosGameObject)g).Draw(this, gameTime); foreach(AxiosUIObject g in (from x in _uiobjects orderby x.DrawOrder select x)) ((IDrawableAxiosGameObject)g).Draw(this, gameTime); base.Draw(gameTime); //This is placed at the end so that Farseer debug information is visible } public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus, bool coveredByOtherScreen) { base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen); if (this._objectstoremove.Count > 0) { List list = this._objectstoremove.ToList(); foreach (AxiosGameObject obj in list) { this.RemoveGameObject(obj); this._objectstoremove.Remove(obj); } } foreach (AxiosGameObject g in _gameObjects.ToList()) g.Update(this, gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen); foreach (AxiosTimer t in _timers.ToList()) t.Update(this, gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen); foreach(AxiosUIObject g in _uiobjects.ToList()) g.Update(this, gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen); } public override void HandleCursor(InputState input) { base.HandleCursor(input); HandleMouseEvents(input); foreach (AxiosGameObject g in _gameObjects.ToList()) g.HandleCursor(this, input); } private void HandleMouseEvents(InputState input) { Vector2 position = this.Camera.ConvertScreenToWorld(input.Cursor); Fixture fix = this.World.TestPoint(position); AxiosGameObject gobj; if (fix != null && fix.UserData != null && fix.UserData is AxiosGameObject) { gobj = (AxiosGameObject)fix.UserData; if (gobj != null && gobj != prevobj) { gobj.OnMouseHover(this, input); if (prevobj != gobj && prevobj != null) prevobj.OnMouseLeave(this, input); } else if (gobj != null) { if (input.IsNewMouseButtonRelease(MouseButtons.LeftButton)) { if (prevobj != null) prevobj.OnFocusLeave(this, input); gobj.OnFocusEnter(this, input); gobj.OnMouseUp(this, input); prevfocusobj = gobj; //prevobj = gobj; } if (input.IsNewMouseButtonPress(MouseButtons.LeftButton)) gobj.OnMouseDown(this, input); } if (gobj != null) prevobj = gobj; } else { if (prevobj != null) prevobj.OnMouseLeave(this, input); if (input.IsNewMouseButtonPress(MouseButtons.LeftButton) && prevfocusobj != null) { prevfocusobj.OnFocusLeave(this, input); prevfocusobj = null; } prevobj = null; } Vector2 uiobjpos; //Rectangle uirect; AxiosRectangle uirect; bool foundobject = false; Vector2 mousepos = this.Camera.ConvertScreenToWorld(input.Cursor); //Vector2 objpos; //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); AxiosRectangle mousrect = new AxiosRectangle(mousepos.X, mousepos.Y, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(25), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(25)); foreach(AxiosUIObject uiobject in _uiobjects) { uiobjpos = uiobject.Position; //objpos = this.Camera.ConvertScreenToWorld(uiobjpos); uirect = new AxiosRectangle(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(uiobjpos.X), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(uiobjpos.Y), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(uiobject.Width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(uiobject.Height)); if (uirect.Intersect(mousrect)) { if (input.IsNewMouseButtonPress(MouseButtons.LeftButton)) { uiobject.OnMouseDown(this, input); } if (input.IsNewMouseButtonRelease(MouseButtons.LeftButton)) { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); if (prevuifocusobj != uiobject) { uiobject.OnFocusEnter(this, input); if (prevuifocusobj != null) prevuifocusobj.OnFocusLeave(this, input); prevuifocusobj = uiobject; } uiobject.OnMouseUp(this, input); } if (prevuiobj != uiobject) { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); uiobject.OnMouseHover(this, input); if (prevuiobj != null) prevuiobj.OnMouseLeave(this, input); prevuiobj = uiobject; } foundobject = true; break; } } if (!foundobject && prevuiobj != null) { //mouse moved away from object prevuiobj.OnMouseLeave(this, input); prevuiobj = null; } if (input.IsNewMouseButtonRelease(MouseButtons.LeftButton)) { if (!foundobject && prevuifocusobj != null) { prevuifocusobj.OnFocusLeave(this, input); prevuifocusobj = null; } } } public override void HandleInput(GameTime gameTime, InputState input) { #if WINDOWS if (_console == null || !AxiosCommandConsole.Active || (AllowKeyboardWhileConsoleIsActive && AxiosCommandConsole.Active)) #endif { base.HandleInput(gameTime, input); foreach (AxiosGameObject g in _gameObjects.ToList()) g.HandleInput(this, input, gameTime); foreach (AxiosUIObject g in _uiobjects.ToList()) g.HandleInput(this, input, gameTime); } } public override void Unload() { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); base.Deactivate(); AxiosLog.Instance.AddLine("Memory usage before cleanup: " + GC.GetTotalMemory(true).ToString(), LoggingFlag.DEBUG); foreach (AxiosGameObject g in _gameObjects) g.UnloadContent(this); foreach (AxiosUIObject g in _uiobjects) g.UnloadContent(this); this._gameObjects.Clear(); this._uiobjects.Clear(); this.World.Clear(); _timers.Clear(); _uiobjects.Clear(); AxiosLog.Instance.AddLine("Memory usage after cleanup: " + GC.GetTotalMemory(true).ToString(), LoggingFlag.DEBUG); //AxiosRegularFile f = new AxiosRegularFile("log.log"); //f.WriteData(AxiosLog.Instance.GetLog(), FileMode.Append); //AxiosIsolatedFile f = new AxiosIsolatedFile("log.log"); //f.WriteData(AxiosLog.Instance.GetLog(), FileMode.Append); //CleanUp(); #if WINDOWS if (_console != null) { //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); ScreenManager.Game.Components.Remove(_console); _console.Dispose(); _console = null; } #endif } /// /// This allows you to customize functionality for loading a circle item. /// /// /// public virtual void LoadCircleItem(CircleItemProperties circleitem, Layer l) { } public virtual void LoadPathItem(PathItemProperties pathitem, Layer l) { PathItem p = new PathItem((PathItemProperties)pathitem); p.load(this, ref cache); PathItems[pathitem.Name] = p; } public virtual void LoadRectangleItem(RectangleItemProperties rectangleitem, Layer l) { } public virtual void LoadTextureItem(TextureItemProperties textureitem, Layer l) { TextureItem i = new TextureItem((TextureItemProperties)textureitem); i.load(this, ref cache); TextureItems[textureitem.Name] = i; } public virtual void LoadOtherItem(ItemProperties prop, string type, Layer l) { } } }